The YES! to Employment podcast logo: the silhouette of a table-top microphone against a blue and yellow background with the YES! Center logo, tagline and URL.

Career and Technical Education with Emily Sherwood & Marta Osuna

You’re listening to YES To Employment a podcast series that seeks to improve competitive integrated employment outcomes for transition-aged youth and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Today, the guest speaker is Sean Roy who talks with Emily Sherwood and Marta Osuna from the Association for Career and Technical Education or Act II about…

Collaboration Leads to Successful Competitive Integrated Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities

Collaboration Leads to Successful Competitive Integrated Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities

Ruth Allison, M.B.A – Senior Faculty Specialist at the University of Maryland and a Technical Assistance provider for the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C) Michael Stoehr, M.S. – Knowledge Development and Technical Assistance Specialist at the University of North Caroline Charlotte and the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative…

Alexa’s Mom Shares Her Perspective on Alexa’s Journey to Employment

Alexa’s Mom Shares Her Perspective on Alexa’s Journey to Employment

A Mother’s thoughts on A Daughter’s Employment Journey My name is Dianne and I am the mother of a wonderful 24 year-old named Alexa. We always had high expectations for Alexa’s employment future, but there were many challenges to navigate. I would like to share Alexa’s story of employment with other parents. School Inclusion  Alexa…