
Partnering on Employment: The Critical Role of Families

This webinar series is intended to highlight the role families and caregivers can play in ensuring that a meaningful job in the community is part of the future for the person you support. Join us as we provide tools, ideas and answers to your questions.

Defining a Good Life: Work is Possible

June 9, 2020

What does a “Good Life” look like for your family member with a disability? The answer is that a good life for a person with a disability looks the same as for anyone else – having people who love and respect them, having the opportunity to explore interests, being connected to their community, and having the ability to contribute and earn money.

Exploring Career Options: Where do they want to work?

June 16, 2020

Did you know there is a world of opportunity and a wide range of job possibilities for youth and young adults with Disabilities? The good news is that there is! The challenge often is helping job seekers tap into their interests and identify career choices that work best for them. This can be even more challenging for a youth or young adult who may not yet have any experience in the workforce. Tune in to this session with your family member to learn ways you can both identify the many employment options that sound interesting and available.

Preparing to Work: Building Skills and matching to Job tasks

June 23, 2020

Family members play an important role in preparing job seekers to work. This session builds on the last session and continues to reinforce the employment process. Presenters will offer suggestions for how family members can help job seekers build skills needed for the world of work.

The power of family: finding the right employment opportunity

June 30, 2020

It takes thoughtful input from families and trusted caregivers to design customized work experiences for young adults and adults with disabilities who may be new or returning to the workforce. This webinar takes what’s been learned from the previous sessions into the final stages of the employment journey – identifying interests and abilities as well as potential work experience opportunities.