


The California Employment Consortium for Youth logo: the acronym in blue and green with a circle around the E.

The California Employment Consortium for Youth and Young Adults with Intellectual and Other Developmental Disabilities (CECY)is composed of rehabilitation, education, developmental disabilities (DD), State Council on DD agencies. It also includes a self-advocate group, Disability Rights California; the Family Resource Centers Network; the Association of Regional Center Agencies; and the Tarjan Center University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). CECY’s goals are to: (1) Strengthen interagency collaboration, practices, and policies at the state and local levels, and (2) Enhance the understanding of youth and young adults, families and professionals of the effective practices and supports for youth and young adults with ID/DD to work in competitive integrated settings.


The main activities of CECY are to develop a shared vision and skills for collaborative partnerships at the state and local levels; identify models for transition to employment through eight Local Employment Collaborative Teams and in postsecondary education through the College to Career Program; enhance knowledge, skills, and attitudes through local training, webinars, and state and national conferences; and disseminate information through California’s Employment First website that will contain a resource bank with online resources and materials, evidence-based and promising practices, and project stories of success.




Olivia Raynor, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor, Tarjan Center at the Dept. of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
University of California Los Angeles
Tel: 310-794-1141
Fax: 310-794-1143


CECY Website

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