National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2020
October 2020
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)! The purpose of NDEAM is to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. This year’s NDEAM theme is “Increasing Access and Opportunity”.
Each year, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, is led by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), but the true spirit lies in the many observances held at the grassroots level across the nation every year. Employers of all sizes and in all industries are encouraged to participate in NDEAM. Please join the YES! Center as we celebrate the achievements of workers with disabilities and continue to promote access to competitive, integrated, employment for all!

Things to Consider When Developing Equitable Employment Programs
Below are three questions I ask myself when developing or working on any employment program for youth with disabilities: Who are we missing at the table? Am I developing this

A Way to Get There: Addressing Transportation in Rural Areas
Transportation touches on every aspect of our lives – from attending school, career training, attending community activities and religious services, shopping and banking, obtaining medical care, and engaging in employment.

Utah School to Work Project: Working with Youth with Significant Disabilities
Utah School to Work Project has developed eight (8) project demonstration sites, where multi-agency partners work together as a team to coordinate employment services for transition age youth with significant

National Disability Employment Awareness Month: Alison Barkoff
This is the first in a series of podcasts in recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). TASH’s interim Executive Director, Serena Lowe talks with Alison Barkoff, the Director

Want to Engage Families Better? Just Listen.
“I know I should be thinking about the future, but frankly the prospect of her being employed scares me. She’s very vulnerable. You’ll have to be patient with me and

Devon’s Story of Employment – “I love my job!”
I love my job. I started working at Universal Cells (UCells), an Astellas Pharma company located in Seattle, Washington, in February 2018 as an Office Lab Assistant. There have been

People with disabilities want Careers… just like everyone else!
Tia with Dee Muller Katovitch, one of her professors at Syracuse University. Career development is very important to me because I believe that people with disabilities should have the same
NDEAM Activities
Three Part Webinar Series

Please join the YES! Center for a three-part webinar series, Technology, Communications & Employment for Youth with Disabilities, on October 15th, 22nd, and 29th as we explore various approaches for infusing technological solutions into strategies for supporting individuals with significant disabilities live their best lives through employment, independent living, and full participation in the community.
Be sure to check out our new podcasts where we will interview some of our nation’s most prominent leaders in pushing disability employment systems change efforts!

Our blog will feature stories of self advocates sharing their journeys to employment. These individuals will talk about their experiences in finding jobs and in participating in the workforce.
Also on the blog, read all about the innovative strategies the Partnerships in Employment (PIE) grantees funded by the Administration for Community Living’s Administration on Disabilities are deploying to promote employment systems-change efforts in their states.