


Let’s Get to Work will develop and implement policies and practices that elevate community expectations and overall employment outcomes for youth with intellectual disabilities and other developmental disabilities (I/DD). To accomplish its goals, the project will use statewide school pilot sites to test a set of evidence-based practices and simulated policy changes that expand competitive employment in integrated settings. A coordinated set of intervention strategies and awareness-building activities will be implemented at the sites with a total of 40 youth, ages 15 to 17. Results will be evaluated for efficacy, and then analyzed by a broad-based consortium of statewide policy, systems, and grassroots leaders.


The consortium consists of leaders from the Department of Health Services, Public Instruction, VR, the DD Council, Disability Rights Wisconsin, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, youth and young adults with I/DD, family members, employment experts, disability advocates, service providers, grassroots groups, and broader stakeholders including employer networks, faith-based groups, and non-profits. Indicators of the project’s impact will include: changes in policy; increases in integrated, community employment rates of youth with I/DD; and 3) changes in stakeholder attitudes about the employability of youth with I/DD.




Beth Swedeen and Jenny Neugart
The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (BPDD)
201 West Washington Avenue, Suite 110
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: (608) 266-1166

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