

TennesseeWorks is a statewide partnership of agencies and organizations committed to increasing employment for individuals with disabilities. Together, they work to implement policy and systems changes that make competitive employment the first and desired choice for every Tennessean. With a shared vision to increase employment for all Tennesseans with disabilities, workgroups have focused on the areas of policy, employers and providers, individuals with disabilities and families, educators, communications, and data. These workgroups are a collaborative effort of the TennesseeWorks Partnership Members and the Governor’s Employment 1st Task Force. Our mission aligns with the broader mission of the Governor’s Employment 1st Task Force. For more information, please visit https://www.tennesseeworks.org or subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter.


Erik Carter, Professor of Special Education

Vanderbilt University
Email: erik.carter@Vanderbilt.Edu

Elise McMillan, Co-Director
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
Email: elise.mcmillan@vumc.org

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